The world according to Andy

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Open a card shop?!?

Whilst flicking through the local paper today, I came across an advert for an open a card shop in town. Now as I understand it, an open day is when a place opens its doors to the public for a day and unless I'm very much mistaken, card shops tend to be open to the public, well, most of the time by the very nature of being a shop. So an open day at a card shop would just be an ordinary day. Maybe, I thought, it could be opening for the first time but no, this shop has been open for quite a while and yet this Saturday is holding an 'Open Day'. I'm tempted to phone the paper as ask how much it would cost to have "Open Day (like every other working day of the year)" put on the advert. These stupid people are just playing into my cynical hands.

Oh yes, also still being very bored, I watched a programme on Discovery about a company in Yorkshire that makes escalators. Showing you how they make the hand rail and stairs move at the same time (bet you'd never thought about that). It turns out they make a lot of it by hand. Yer dont need any of those fancy robots ter make t'escalators in Yorkshire. I'll let you get back to your more interesting lives now :-).


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