The world according to Andy

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


As some of you will be aware, I'm currently rather bored. All this being bored has allowed me to do a lot of "blue sky" thinking. Upon looking up, I noticed something in the way of this blue sky, yes ladies and gents I mean of course, clouds. So I took some pictures of the clouds and then realised that I'd been here before, yes, I had a moment of Deja Vu if you like (I like how I've linked these posts together). I realised that I'd taken pictures of clouds before, a few times actually. So, I thought I'd share with you some of these cloud pictures just to see what you think. This first one (below) was taken in Feburary last year over the River Mersey (That's in Liverpool for those who's geography goes no further north than Watford :-) )

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