The world according to Andy

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Clouds (pt2)

Yes folks, it's another cloud picture but I really like the patterns in this one.

PS My parents have just got a new kettle that illuminates blue inside when you switch it on. You have no idea what simple things can amuse someone as bored as me.
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  • Wow! Does it turn red when the water boils? We used to have a kettle like that at work. I was very disappointed when it disappeared to be replaced by a boring silver one!

    By Blogger Mel, at 12:32 pm  

  • this is the best picture. why didnt you write about me? was i not the best part of the holiday?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:02 pm  

  • Well of course you were but I don't want everyone knowing about you now do I? You'd get far too popular and then I wouldn't have you all to myself :-P

    By Blogger Andy, at 12:15 am  

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