The world according to Andy

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Arrested BY POLICE

I said I'd use this blog to get things off my chest that annoyed me and this did. Whilst watching the BBC news today I saw a headline flash across the bottom of the screen "Breaking News: Labour's Lord Levy arrested by police." I thought fancy that, someone being arrested by the police of all people. I mean there was me thinking it was the AA who were arresting people these days. Talking of things that are road based, I also spotted the story about the parking rules being relaxed a little. All well and good I thought until I noticed that traffic wardens are to be rebranded "Civil Enforcement Officers" or CEO's. Many of them are already think they are much more important than they are really are and now they can confidently tell people that they are actually a CEO. I'm sure this will do their egos no end of good. Mini rant over :-).


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