The world according to Andy

Monday, June 19, 2006

Team Andy (and others)

After a prod from Rachel, presumably because she's bored, I decided it was time to blog. Today, I have been sent on a "Team Development Course" as part of the School of Chemistry's plan to "degeekify the chemist" as they put it.

This course, lasting two days, is designed to better help us communicate and plan. This obviously involves getting us to do some "interesting" tasks. The first of these involved getting a big container of water over a force field fence (otherwise known as 2 poles with a bit of string). We could only stand on these bits of wood otherwise we fell into the toxic waste (otherwise known as the grass).

The second task was far more interesting, it involved blindfolding us, giving us some rope, then asking us to form a square with the rope with us spaced equally around the sides. Given that we had nine people, it did prove a challenge especially as we couldn't see. You have no idea how difficult it is to known which is "this end" and which is "that end" of a rope you can't see. We also couldn't see each other of course but did have to find each other which led to some people being felt in quite inappropriate places...

The third task involved collecting bits of Lego from various points where they had been hidden in a field and then bring them back to the centre. We then had to make words out of the Lego. For my part, this involved lots of running. When asked for my contribution to the discussion after this one, I pointed out that there is a town made out of biscuits.

I'm sure tomorrow will be just as much fun.


  • Two thoughts.
    Surely it is wrong to degeekify anyone.. especially the chemists. We like them that way!
    and... WOW A TOWN MADE OF BISCUITS... could we do that in SCM? We could make a cathedral to incorporate some religion.

    Ooh and another thought. I noticed in my first year, many years ago, the first time we wore lab coats - half of us looked like geeky chemists but the other half managed to look like smooth smartly dressed doctors. Why is that? Any thoughts..

    By Blogger Me, at 8:39 am  

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